
Boboyi Samoniy

 Hi my dear🥰☺️🤗 Today we visited one of the monument of 7 saints which named Xoja Muhammad Boboyi Somoniy. The memorial complex of Khaja Makhammad Babai Sammasi is the burial place of the famous Sufi, a follower of Khaji Ali Ramitani. Khaja Sammasi made an invaluable contribution to the development of Sufism, predicted the birth of a great person, Bakhautdin Mukhammad Nakshbandi. The legend says that once passing by the native village of Bakhautdin Kasri in Khinduwan, the mystery was dawned up. He said that the greatest son of Sufism and enlightenment will be born in this place, and the place will be called “the village of the enlightened”. Nowadays our practice days was very amazing and interesting.  Goodbye☺️🙂

Ali Romitamiy

 Hello my dear🤗 Today I give information about Ali Romitamiy monument. The Khaji Ali Ramitani memorial complex is the burial place of the most famous spiritual master of the Khajagan Sufi School. The people called the Sufi “Azizkhon” – the venerable Sheikh. He was born at the end of the XII century in the city of Ramitan. He was professionally engaged in weaving throughout his life. He was a disciple of Makhmud Fagnavi. Ali Ramitani managed the impossible – he converted the Mongols to the Islamic faith. He helped to restore scattered lands after the Mongol invasion, and was engaged in healing. The legend says that the Sufi was able to read people’s thoughts and answer a question before it was asked. Throughout his long and righteous life, he had many disciples, including his sons. He bequeathed his younger son, Khaj Ibrakhim, to continue his teaching.

Arif Revganiy

 Hi my dear🤗 Now I am going to give information about Xoja Muhammad Arif Revganiy. Because we visited there today. This sacred place was abandoned for a long time. It took several generations before the mausoleum acquire today’s exemplary appearance. Now the “mausoleum of Abdalkhalik al Gijduvani”, as the part of the ancient East, is the connection of the earth and the sky. The mausoleum of Khaji Mukhammad Arif al-Rivgari is the burial place of Murshid Khaji Mukhammad Arif Rivgari. He was born in the village of Revgar in the middle of the XII century. He was a disciple of the great Murshid Abdulkhalik Gijduvani. After the death of the great teacher, he received permission to be a spiritual mentor for others. For the rest of his life, he led his religious activities. He liked to pray Zikr aloud. There is a legend that Khaji Arif lived for 150 years. He was buried in the village of Shafirkan in the Bukhara region. I thought that my information like you. Goodbye ☺️

Abdulxoliq Gʻijduvoniy

 Hi my dear 🤗🥰 Today I went to the monument of Abdulxoliq GÊ»ijduvoniy with my coursemates. Xoja Abdulxoliq GÊ»ijduvoniy was born 24 March 1103. He memorized Qur'an at the age of 9.  This is on of the most popular building. 

Modarikhon madrasah

 Hello everyone 🥰🤗 Today I am going to give information about Modarikhon madrasah.  Kosh means «double». Ensemble includes 2 buildings: Modari-khan Madrasah and Abdullah-khan Madrasah. The buildings stand on narrow street sides, faced partal to each other. Modari-khan Madrasah was built in 974 of hydjr or 1566 - 1567. The date is pointed out with poems on majolica paintings over entrance. It is the modest model of Madrasah with gorgeous-faced main facade. He built abdull-khan Madrasah in 1558 – 1590. It is one of outstanding Central Asiatic architectual work. Here architector bravely deviated from canon rules in planning, moving capacities assimetrically beyond the rectangular building outlines, including new forms in usual composition. So there was appeared inside yard spacious hall with cupola on twelve-sided light drum, it is known as «Abdullah-khan sky-light». The hall combines 20 hydjrs, situated in 2 tiers.

Abdulazizkhon madrasah

 Hello everyone 🥰☺️🤗 Today we visited in the Abdulazizkhon madrasah.  Opposite Ulugbek Madrasah there is Abdullazizkhan Madrasah. Abdullazizkhan built it in 1651 – 1652 and it is the last large Madrasah in Bukhara. The building is typical by composition, with four-ayvans yard, but with unordinary divergent fan of hudj groups after side ayvans and cupola buildings on the central axis. It is very interesting the improvement of living lodgings, which consisted of entrance hall and hudjra, and were equipped with free-places, attic storeys, wall niches for bed clothes, dishes, decorated in conformity with the taste of inhabitants, who rented these apartments during their study.Away from Poi-Kalyan ensemble we can see trade arcades, belonging to the end of 16 century Taki-Telpak Phurushon and Taki Sarraphon.

Ulugʻbek madrasah

 Hello everyone 🤗 This week we begun our practice days. Today we went to the UlugÊ»bek madrasah.  Ulugbek, according to historian Al- Abdurazzakov Samarkand, visited his madrassa in the month of Dhu al- ka'da (November 1419) at a trip to Bukhara. Here he wrote about the author said: "Shahzad Ulugbek was pleased to visit the madrasah, located within the city of Bukhara and constructed due to its exceptional generosity." Ulugbek Madrasah was repaired several times. The first repair was made on the order of Ubaidullah Khan (1533 -1539 years). During the reign of Khan and his son Abdulaziz (1539 - 1549) in the Ulugbek Madrasah were taught eminent scholars, poets, calligraphers.In 1994, for the anniversary of Ulugbek madrasah were performed on the following work: restored main portal group with Arabic inscription on the portal, harness majolica, partly restored galleries of the first and second floors, courtyard and blind area within the perimeter of the yard, landscaped groun